Tuesday, August 26, 2008

50 years of marriage...

Ever wonder what 50 years of marriage looks like? Take a look at my grandparents---we just celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary and they were sweet enough to let me photograph them... Marriage is one of God's most beautiful creations...and the blessing of spending 50 years with someone is something that is so amazing...it's something that I admire and that I look forward to sharing with my sweet husband, Kelly...

Congratulations, Mimi & Papa!


This is their original cake centerpiece from 50 years ago...

Don't they look like they're having fun?
I told them to think back to the days when they couldn't keep their hands off each other...
sooooo sweet!

This picture cracks me up...it doesn't matter how many years you've been married, your best friend will still say something that'll make you roll your eyes! Love it!

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